
The Letter and Spirit of Biblical Interpretation: From the Early Church to Modern Practice is unavailable, but you can change that!

For the better part of fifteen centuries, Christians read Scripture on two complementary levels—the literal and the spiritual—and their interpretation was regulated by the common doctrine passed down in the rule of faith. In the modern period, a gradual but significant shift occurred in Bible reading. The spiritual sense became marginalized in favor of the literal sense, which came to be equated...

interpreter was to reconstruct the original occasion of the historical reference on the basis of which the truth of the biblical text could be determined. In sum, the sensus literalis [literal sense] had become sensus originalis [original sense].”110 Meaning was to be located somewhere in the space occupied by what the human author intended and the original recipients understood. Outside of the undisputed Letters of Paul, the human author rarely meant an identifiable individual; it included the back-history
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